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We hope and pray that you become a deeply devoted follower of Jesus Christ.  Our mission is to help you do that. No matter where you are in your faith journey, we invite you to take the next step. Keep reading to learn about our Path of Discipleship and how best to grow in your relationship with God.





1. Invitational Environments: 

Events where friends and family can experience our church in a non-worship atmosphere.  See what's coming up on our event calendar.  



2. Worship: 

Attend worship as often as you can, and when you are out of town try to attend a church wherever you are.



3. Membership Exploration Class: 

The place to begin.  Learn more about our church, how to get involved, or how to become a member.  This three-session class will be led by Pastor Doug, covering the history to the church universal, The German Lutheran Evangelical Church founded the church, and now our Harmonie Church, and will be offered at least two times a year usually on Sunday immediately after church.



4. Membership: 

Become an invested part of this community by committing to support the church with your prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness.



5. Life Resources: 

Resources for every stage of your life.  Congregational care, bible studies, support groups, and classes on parenting, relationships, arts, recreation, and financial guidance.



6. Group Life: 

Discipleship happens best in smaller communities where you can do life and faith together. Connect, learn, grow and reflect Christ's nature to the world by joining a small group or Sunday morning class.



7. Serve: 

Reach out beyond the walls of the church, into our community and around the world, providing help and hope to those in need.



8. Regular Giving: 

When we return a portion of our financial blessings to God, we create an opportunity for God to work through us and through our church.



9. Leadership: 

Turn back and guide others through the discipleship path.

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Harmonie Community Church is a non-denominational church located off of Stracks Church Road near Innsbrook, MO. This quaint, historic, and picturesque church is nestled in the beautiful woodlands of Warren County, Missouri.


Harmonie church is wheelchair accessible and ADA compliant. 


Harmonie Church

24924 S Stracks Church Rd

Wright City, MO 63390


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